Unleash the Power of Grit

Elementary School Program

Persist Kids, a science-backed program on building Persistence, Resilience, and Grit. The program provides kids with the tools and strategies they need to not only succeed, but to triumph in adversity and push through setbacks to achieve their goals.

Middle School Program

Persist Kids is a revolutionary leadership program with a focus on the development of key traits that are linked with success. To be successful, a child must not only master academic material but effectively navigate through the challenges along the way.

Thinking about Adding a Leadership Program to Your Social Emotional Learning?

Success Stories

For any parent out there looking for non-traditional learning activities that help build essential life lessons, Persist Kids is it. It’s been super helpful in helping me teach softer skills to my son that virtual school isn’t addressing. It’s an awesome combination of engaging storytelling with writing that gets your kids to think differently and talk through everyday life problems that will come at them throughout their life.

An Infographic Journey

The infographic highlights the most important aspects or foundational pillars of the Persist Kids program and shows how these key concepts work together to build resilience, foster a growth mindset, and empower children to overcome obstacles and achieve success.

Flagship Schools